Another Cross-Border Love: Pakistani Woman Marries Jodhpur Man Virtually, Likely To Get Indian Visa After Wedding


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Cross-border love stories are on the rise now-a-days. Another incident of cross-border wedding has came to light where a Jodhpur man married a Pakistani woman. But this time it is not about crossing the border, but an online marriage. The matter is from Rajasthan, where a man virtually married a woman from Pakistan. This love story has moved a step further than that of Seema Haider and Anju who crossed border to marry their love.

As per reports, Ameena who is a resident of Pakistan’s Karachi, failed to get a visa to come to India to marry the man named Arbaaz who hails from Rajasthan’s Jodhpur. Hence, the couple decided to perform ‘Nikah’ virtually. The marriage is said to be arranged as the families of the bride and the groom are related to each other. A member of Arbaaz’s family is already married to a member of Ameena’s family in the neighbouring country. Seeing the cross border marriage working fine for the couple, Ameena’s family arranged her wedding with Arbaaz.

Arbaaz told media that the couple has performed Nikah virtually and has got the certificate from Maulvi which is legal. If the marriage took place in Pakistan it would not have been recognised in India and the couple would have to re-marry in India. After the virtual marriage and obtaining the certificate, Ameena will apply for visa to come to India.

Arbaaz and Ameena’s wedding is catching everyone’s attention because two similar incidents of cross-border marriages took place earlier. Seema Haider who hailed from Pakistan came to India and married Sachin. And also an Indian woman named Anju went to Pakistan on a valid visa and married her Facebook friend Nasrullah in Khyber Pakhtunwa.


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