HomeOPEDJaveed Abdullah “a teacher who transcends the classroom”

Javeed Abdullah “a teacher who transcends the classroom”

X: @the_news_21

Srinagar: In an age where education is rapidly evolving, finding a teacher who not only keeps pace but also sets the standard for innovation and dedication is rare.

Javeed sir is one such educator, whose approach to teaching has made him a distinguished figure in the educational sector. His intelligence, dedication, and constant availability to his students are just a few of the many qualities that set him apart. I remained his student and I have found him a teacher with difference. Today is the Teachers Day and it is always a special day for me that I used to wish him all the best for future.

Intelligence and an interactive classroom
Javeed Sir’s intelligence is apparent to anyone who has the privilege of attending his classes. However, it is not just his knowledge of the subject matter that makes him exceptional, but his unique ability to convey complex concepts in a manner that makes his students feel like they have always understood the material. His classroom is not a place for passive learning, it is a lively, interactive environment where students are constantly engaged and encouraged to participate.

The way he conducts his classes makes it feel as though learning is a natural and effortless process. His teaching style is so effective that students often walk away with a thorough understanding of the topic, as if they had known it all along. Missing one of his classes is truly a lost opportunity, not just for the knowledge imparted but for the experience of being part of such an enriching environment.

Always available, always helpful
One of the most important aspects of Javeed sir’s approach to teaching is commitment to his students. While many educators consider their work done when the school day ends, Javeed sir’s dedication knows no time limits. He is always available to his students, whether it is during school hours or beyond that. This accessibility is not limited to academic matter, students know they can reach out to him for guidance on a wide range of issues, and they will always receive thoughtful and considered advice.

This constant availability has earned him the respect of his students, who see him not just as a teacher but as a mentor, brother, friend and guide who is always there for them. His support extends far beyond the classroom, making him an indispensable part of their educational journey.

Personalized guidance through student profiles
From the moment a student enters his class, he begins to build a detailed profile of their academic progress. He meticulously tracks their strengths and areas for improvement, providing personalized feedback that is tailored to each student’s needs. This ongoing assessment allows him to offer precise guidance at any moment, helping students to make the necessary adjustments to stay on track toward their goals.

His attention to detail is further exemplified in the notes he leaves on student’s notebook. These notes are not merely corrections; rather they are insightful inspirational lines for building life, that often serve as a catalyst for deeper learning and understanding. Students cherish these comments, which they see as a driving force behind their academic achievements.

Dedication that knows no bounds
Javeed Sir’s dedication to teaching is unparalleled. He is not content with merely fulfilling his teaching duties; he is constantly striving to improve the educational experience for his students. In school, he is never seen sitting idle. Instead, he is always engaged in activities that contribute to the development of the educational sector. His passion for education is evident in everything he does, whether it is introducing new teaching methods, working on innovative projects, or simply being a constant presence in the school.

His tireless efforts have not gone unnoticed. He has been recognized with numerous awards for his contributions to education, including the prestigious Best Innovative Teacher Award from IIT Delhi by Sri Aurobindo Society (ZIIEI), presented by former MHRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal, Nishank on March 1, 2020. This award is an acknowledgement to his approach and his relentless pursuit of excellence.

An ideal for change
Innovation is at the heart of his teaching philosophy. He is constantly coming up with new ideas to enhance the learning experience for his students. Whether it is a novel teaching method or an extracurricular initiative, He is always eager to share his ideas with his students and colleagues. He doesn’t just stop at sharing these ideas; he actively works to implement them, ensuring that they lead to meaningful and positive outcomes.

His ability to think outside the box and his willingness to experiment with new approaches have made him a teacher with difference for students like me. He has represented Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory (J&K UT) at various prestigious forums, including the 3rd Anniversary of NEP 2020 in New Delhi. His contributions at these events highlight his passion to improving the educational landscape not just locally, but on a broader scale.

A master of communication
Beyond his teaching duties, He is also a gifted speaker and a well-known stage host. His oratory skills are unmatched, and he has a natural ability to connect with his audience, whether he is addressing a classroom, a conference, or a public gathering. His eloquence and charisma make him a sought-after speaker, and his presence at any event is sure to leave a lasting impression.

His talents in communication extend to his role as a stage host, where his ability to engage the audience and keep them captivated is well-known. His contributions in this area have further cemented his reputation as an all-rounded educator who excels in multiple domains.

A well-deserved recognition
Over the years, his contributions to education have been recognized with numerous awards. In addition to the national recognition from IIT Delhi, he has been honoured multiple times by district and sub-district administration for his exemplary work and conduct. These awards are a reflection of the impact he has had on the educational community, and they serve as a reminder of the importance of dedicated educators like him.

For his students, He is more than just a teacher; he is a lifelong mentor and friend. They know that they can count on him not just during their school years, but long after they have graduated. His influence extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the lives of his students in profound ways. To be taught by him is to be guided by someone who truly cares about your success and is willing to go above and beyond to help you achieve it.

In the field of education, He stands out as a beacon of excellence, dedication, and innovation. His unique approach to teaching, his tireless efforts to support his students, and his ability to inspire those around him make him a teacher with a difference. His impact on the lives of his students is immeasurable, and his contributions to the educational sector are encouraging to what can be achieved when passion and dedication are combined. To miss out on his class is to miss out on “an opportunity to learn, grow, and be inspired.”

Shazia Noor is pursuing PhD in Education in the department of educational Studies at Jamia Milia Islamia New Delhi and is the member of Student Advisory Board and can be reached shazianoorjmi@gmail.com


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