Tabinda Science Olympiad held at Handwara, in Kupwara district evokes enthusiastic response



Srinagar: In order to inculcate the scientific temperament among the budding blooms and to make them aware about Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) based examinations, the society conducted Tabinda Science Olympiad. The test was held on Sunday in which more than 400 students participated.

The Olympiad test was held at various centres located in educational institutions spread across Handwara and in Kupwara district. In the first phase the society conducted the OMR based Science Olympiad for standard 9th & 10th standard students which was continued by conducting a National Achievement Survey (NAS) type examination for middle standard students in collaboration with district administration.

The society thanked the experts of various universities and faculty members of Iqra Coaching and counselling institute for setting the question papers and OMR sheets.

The executive members of society monitored the whole process of examination and thanked the educationists/research scholars who acted as observers for the smooth conduct of the examination.

Provisional answer key for the said examination was released by late Sunday afternoon. Participants have been informed that any query/challenge related to the answer key shall be brought in to the notice of coordinator through WhatsApp No (7006704789) and email-id ( till the afternoon of October 24. Any query beyond the said date shall not be accepted, informed the organisers.


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