The Maharashtra government is concerned about the new Delta Plus variant which has been found in the state. As per reports from the government 21 cases of Delta Plus have been found in some districts, however no death has been noted so far.
Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday said the variant reduces antibodies and said the administration has begun isolating such cases and taking all details like travel history, contact tracing and if they have been vaccinated.
“21 cases of Delta Plus variant have been found in 7 districts of the state. This variant reduces antibodies in the body. We are isolating such cases and taking all details like travel history, contact tracing & if they have been vaccinated,” Tope said.
“We’ve decided to send the samples for Genomic sequence study. No deaths caused due to Delta Plus variant & some have recovered from this variant. Symptoms & treatment are the same for this variant. No children infected with this variant,” he added.