Srinagar: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under the leadership of constituency head Mir Abass, Raja Nasurallah General secretary district Kupwara, Gulzar Ahmad Minority Morcha district president, Choudry Saleem ST Morcha Spokesperson along with a large number of their workers took out a Tiranga rally from Chinar Park to Main Chowk Handwara.
The rally was led by the constituency head Mir Abass and other heads of district, during which the slogans of Tiranga were raised everywhere
While talking to the media on the occasion, general secretary district Kupwara Raja Nasurallah said that Tiranga is our pride and that the program will continue till August 15.
Choudry Saleem ST Morcha Spokesperson while speaking said that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a campaign for the first time to hoist Tiranga at every house and Kupwara district became the only district which participated in this Tiranga rally. It will be on the first. And this mission of ours will remain eternal “Ek Pradhan Ek Nishan”.