Actor Vijay Varma has thanked stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra for his by-now viral in-flight verbal attack on journalist Arnab Goswami. The actor says that even though he does not subscribe to what Kamra did, he is happy because the “tormentor” has been “shut up for once”.
The “Gully Boy” actor posted on Instagram: “Thank you Kunal Kamra for treating us with a rare sight of Arnab. A pleasant change from his tatti-ulti-acid spewing self.”
He added: “P.S. I don’t think I subscribe to what Kamra did. But by God it felt good to shut that tormentor up for once”.
Not just Vijay Varma, it seems several other B-Towners also feel the same way, which is evident from their gestures. Verma’s post has been liked by Tiger Shroff, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt’s mother, veteran actress Soni Razdan, has bashed the four airlines that have banned Kunal Kamra.
She tweeted: “Airlines seem to have suddenly turned into headmasters. Dear God whatever next …”
Reacting to a tweet by Spice Jet that reads the airline has decided to suspend Kunal Kamra till further notice, Soni Razdan tweeted: “And you have all become absolutely and utterly ridiculous”.-IANS News