West Tripura DM Shailesh Kumar Yadav, who stir controversy after raiding marriage halls during night curfew has asked to relieve him of his post with immediate effect, reported East Mojo.
According to the report, Shailesh Kumar Yadav wrote to chief secretary Manoj Kumar and asked him to relieve him of his post for ‘fairness of inquiry’ into the incident.
According to Tripura Law Minister Ratan Lal Nath, the Chief Secretary has accepted Yadav’s request. “West Tripura district DM in a letter to Chief Secretary informed today that since an inquiry committee has been formed for 26 April’s incident, for fairness of inquiry, he requested for the relinquishment of his charge as DM. The Chief Secretary has accepted it,” the Law Minister said.
Meanwhile, Shailesh Kumar on Monday tweeted: “I accept suspension. What I did was considering the COVID-19 pandemic. And according to me I did the right thing.”