The number of critically ill patients increased; death rate has come down



Mumbai: The corona infection, which had been brought under control, has once again increased in the city. On the one hand, while the number of infected patients in the state is increasing, the death rate has come down from 3.50 per cent to 2.93 per cent in the last one month.

As on August 6, the number of patients in the state was 4,79,779 while 16,792 patients had died. The number of infected patients has risen sharply over the past month, reaching 9,07,212. The number of patients has increased by 4,27,433 in a month. Although the number of patients across the state is increasing, the death rate has come down.

A month ago, the death toll in the state was 16,792 and the death toll was 3.50. The death toll rose to 9,812 in the month, bringing the death toll to 26,604. However, the mortality rate has come down from 3.50 to 2.93 in the last one month and the mortality rate has come down by 0.57 per cent.

“There has been more emphasis on testing patients with mild symptoms across the state. The death rate has come down as the infected patients are being tested early and treatment is being started on them early. Also, the lack of ICU or oxygen facilities in the nursing home had increased the mortality rate there. Currently, treatment of Covid patients in nursing homes is banned and many patients are being treated directly in hospitals this has reduced the death rate”, said Dr. Avinash Supe, Head, Death Rate Control Committee.

“Although the death rate in the state has come down, the number of critically ill patients has increased. The number of critically ill patients has risen from 2 to 3 percent. Today, the number of active patients in the state has risen to 7,579. While the number of critically ill patients in the state is increasing, the demand for medical oxygen is also increasing. In view of this, it has been made mandatory to provide 80 percent oxygen to the medical sector and 20 per cent to the industry for those who produce medical oxygen using the provisions of the Infectious Diseases Control Act and Disaster Management Act. This will be implemented in the state till December 2020”, said Health Minister Rajesh Tope.

“As the number of corona patients is increasing, the state government has taken various decisions regarding corona treatment with a focus on general patients”, said Health Minister Rajesh Tope.

Further he said, SMS is the three pillars of life while living with Corona, we have to live by the means of SMS that is Social distancing, Mask and Sanitizer.


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