Virtual class a myth for BMC school students, remarks teachers union


Parents having smartphones, internet connectivity in the times of pandemic is luxury when they are jobless for almost 4-months. Teachers are threatened with action if not connected to virtual classes. Education Department understands the precarious financial condition of parents and hopes to resolve issue of student’s academic year

Mumbai: BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in an internal survey during the lockdown has realized that the students in their schools have limited infrastructure for electronic-learning. The BMC survey acknowledges the availability of only 40-45 % of smart phones with students, while e-learning is being imposed on them. In last fortnight students from BMC run schools are unable to connect to virtual classes.

The BMC Teachers union claims that parents who are jobless for more than three-months are mostly from Below the Poverty Line (BPL). Affording ‘internet connection (data pack)’ for online learning is more than difficult in times of a pandemic crisis. It is not just about having smartphone accessibility to students but they do not have ‘internet’ connection, the union points out.

A teacher from Malvani BMC School in Malad West said, “There are 26 students with me and only 5 can access smartphones but none are able to connect for online learning as ‘internet pack’ is a costly affair. They have their own issues in COVID-19 like rent of the house and grocery. The school provided only 3 kg ration to them; now they cannot afford the luxury of having an ‘internet connection’.

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Amidst Coronavirus pandemic crisis, 833 out of 1247 schools under BMC are turned into quarantine facilities. There are approximately 3 lakhs students with BMC for this academic year and approximately 1.20 lakh students can access the smartphones through their parents. However it has become impossible to connect students as they are unable to buy internet connection for online classes.

The Shiv Sena led Union of BMC Teachers Association alleges that students who can access their parents’ smartphones are also not connecting in the virtual classes. “Many of the parents are finding it difficult to buy internet data pack connections and thus teachers are facing pressure from parents and departments both alike in online education.

The Beat Officer (BO) can enter virtual class to monitor and despite knowing the issue of poverty and reason being unable to connect the BOs threaten teachers,” K P Naik, President of the Union.

The senior officials in BMC are aware that students are unable to connect with online education. It is not easy even for teachers but since they have been trained for this, they are managing however parents cannot understand any application of e-learning which is eventually the loss of students.

“Parents coming to BMC schools are generally from the weakest financial section of society. The COVID-19 has badly hit them. The business of auto-rickshaw was completely shut and now they have started with obligations from the government. They are unable to manage their daily needs how will they manage data pack,” added Naik.

Bholanth Yadav who has four-daughters and one-son and resides in Malad explained that he has only one android phone and five-children thus he cannot connect all of them to their respective e-learning classes . “Although teachers have been given different time, we have our limitations of paying for internet packs. I am jobless for four months, and I do not understand Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Class Room. It is a process whereas WhatsApp is an easy application. I cannot afford to buy five smartphones and I won’t buy. It does not matter if children fail or do not study this year,” added Yadav.

The Education Officer (BMC) Mahesh Palkar said, “They have been asked to join various platforms like Zoom, Google Meet and Google Class Room also WhatsApp. Now if students despite having access to smartphones cannot get internet connection the corporation cannot provide them this. They can access other sources for learning like Television and radio broadcast.”


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