A Socialist World is Possible: Dr. Ashok Dhawale’s Marx Oration at Highgate Cemetery


London, March 16, 2025: Delivering the 2025 Marx Oration at Highgate Cemetery, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member and AIKS National President, Dr. Ashok Dhawale, called for a united global struggle against capitalism, imperialism, and neo-fascism, asserting that socialism remains the only viable alternative for the 21st century. The oration, held at the graveside of Karl Marx, was attended by a large gathering of left-wing leaders, diplomats, and activists from across the world.

Marx’s Enduring Legacy

Dr. Dhawale opened his address by paying homage to Karl Marx, recalling Frederick Engels’ historic eulogy at the same site in 1883. He emphasized how Marx’s scientific and revolutionary approach to analyzing society continues to shape struggles for social and economic justice worldwide. He highlighted key Marxist concepts such as dialectical and historical materialism, the theory of surplus value, and the necessity of political class struggle.

Quoting from Capital and The Communist Manifesto, Dr. Dhawale demonstrated the relevance of Marx’s analysis in today’s world. He pointed out how Marx foresaw the ruthless expansion of capitalism and its tendency to accumulate wealth at one pole while creating misery at the other. He also credited Lenin’s work, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, for furthering Marx’s insights into the nature of modern capitalism.

The Crisis of Capitalism and Growing Inequalities

Dr. Dhawale provided a scathing critique of the current global economic system, exposing the stark inequalities that plague societies. He highlighted that:
• The world’s richest 1% now owns more wealth than the bottom 95% combined.
• Since 2020, the top 1% has captured 67% of all new wealth, while billions struggle with poverty and rising costs.
• 3 billion people live below the global poverty line, and 700 million survive on less than $2.15 per day.
• Severe food insecurity affects 864 million people, with women and girls disproportionately suffering.
• Technological advancements, including artificial intelligence, are fueling unemployment while generating massive corporate profits.

He attributed these dire conditions to four decades of neo-liberal and imperialist policies, which intensified following the 2008 global financial crisis. The crisis, which originated in the U.S. and spread worldwide, forced even capitalist leaders to revisit Marx’s writings for answers.

The Rise of Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Resistance Movements

Dr. Dhawale warned of the rise of far-right, neo-fascist forces exploiting social unrest to push divisive, authoritarian agendas. He cited examples of leaders like Donald Trump in the U.S. and Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, whose policies mirror historical fascist regimes. He criticized Trump’s economic policies, including trade wars and withdrawal from global agreements, and condemned the U.S. and Western support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, which has claimed nearly 50,000 lives, mostly women and children.

Despite these challenges, Dr. Dhawale expressed hope in the growing resistance movements across the world. He highlighted significant left-wing victories in Latin America—Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Uruguay—as signs of a shifting tide.

India’s Historic Farmers’ Movement and Upcoming Struggles

Focusing on India, Dr. Dhawale hailed the massive farmers’ protest of 2020-21 as a landmark struggle against corporate control over agriculture. Millions of farmers blocked highways to Delhi for over a year, forcing the government to repeal the three controversial farm laws. Over 700 farmers lost their lives in the struggle, but their sacrifice led to a historic victory.

He also warned of the impending implementation of India’s anti-worker labor codes, which threaten labor rights. In response, a nationwide general strike, backed by millions of workers and peasants, is planned for May 2025.

A Call for Global Unity and Socialist Revolution

Dr. Dhawale concluded his oration with a passionate call for international solidarity in the fight against capitalism, imperialism, and neo-fascism. He saluted socialist countries like Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, and the DPRK for their efforts to build just and equitable societies while standing up to imperialist aggression.

Echoing the Communist Manifesto, he declared:

“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”

As the audience erupted in revolutionary slogans, Dr. Dhawale’s speech ended with a resounding message:

A Socialist World is Possible—Let Us Fight to Win It!


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