Tragedy Unveiled: 10 Disturbing Details in the Shocking Murder of a 4-Year-Old by AI CEO Suchana Seth

Suchana Seth's shocking actions stand in stark contrast to her brilliant academic career. A Harvard fellow and a notable figure in AI ethics


X: @the_news_21

In a chilling turn of events, the CEO of an AI startup, Suchana Seth, is at the center of a gruesome murder case involving her four-year-old son. The incident took place at a service apartment in Goa, where Suchana allegedly murdered her child. As the investigation unfolds, shocking details have emerged, revealing a troubled personal life and a tragic end to a young life.

  1. Estranged Relationship and Custody Battle: Suchana’s estranged relationship with her husband, PR Venkatraman, is considered a potential motive for the murder. The ongoing custody battle over their four-year-old intensified emotions. The court had recently granted visitation rights to Venkatraman, which reportedly upset Suchana. Messages exchanged with her husband about the scheduled visitation surfaced, indicating her distress.
  2. Sudden Check-out and Urgent Work: On January 6, Suchana checked into the Goa service apartment with a booking until January 10. However, on January 7, she abruptly checked out alone, citing urgent work in Bengaluru. The sudden change in plans raised suspicions and deepened the mystery surrounding the murder.
  3. Child’s Health Issues: A past neighbor of Suchana revealed on social media that the child had a history of breathing trouble. Suchana was reportedly always concerned about her son’s health. Whether this health condition played a role in the tragic events is yet to be determined.
  4. Custody Battle Frustration: Among Suchana’s belongings, investigators found a note expressing her determination not to allow her husband to win custody of their son. This indicates the intensity of the custody battle and the emotional turmoil Suchana was experiencing.
  5. Suicide Attempt: Inside the hotel room, Suchana attempted suicide by slashing her wrist, leaving blood stains on the sheets that caught the attention of hotel staff. The desperate act suggests the depth of her emotional distress.
  6. Suspicious Use of Cough Syrup: Two bottles of cough syrup found in the room raised suspicions about the possibility of Suchana administering it to her son before smothering him in his sleep. This chilling detail adds to the disturbing nature of the crime.
  7. Deceptive Calmness: As Suchana left the Goa apartment in a cab with her son’s body concealed in a suitcase, she remained remarkably calm. Deceiving the authorities, she informed them that her son was in Goa with a friend, showcasing a cold and calculated demeanor.
  8. Unusual Transportation Choice: Despite facing massive traffic, Suchana opted for a cab ride to Bengaluru and agreed to pay ₹30,000 for the journey. Her refusal to take a flight, despite the urgency, raises questions about her state of mind during the tragic journey.
  9. History of Domestic Violence: In 2022, Suchana had filed a domestic violence case against her husband, shedding light on the tumultuous nature of their relationship.
  10. Brilliant Academic Career: Suchana Seth’s shocking actions stand in stark contrast to her brilliant academic career. A Harvard fellow and a notable figure in AI ethics, she was named among the “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics List 2021.”


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