HomeBusinessShriram Super 111 Wheat Seed increases yield of wheat for farmers in...

Shriram Super 111 Wheat Seed increases yield of wheat for farmers in Madhya Pradesh

Farmers from Madhya Pradesh have reported an increased yield through wheat variety, Shriram Super 111 seed by Shriram Farm Solutions, a unit of DCM Shriram Ltd. Shriram Farm Solutions has developed innovative research-driven products to enable farmers enhance their crop yield and farm productivity.

Since its launch, Shriram Super 111 wheat seed has gained popularity among farmers across various regions in Madhya Pradesh. The variety has been developed by world-renowned wheat scientist at Shriram Fertilizers and Chemicals.

Shriram Super 111 wheat seed is popular due to its yield superiority over several other wheat varieties. Along with this, the additional traits of more fodder, shining bold grain and good ‘chapati’ making quality makes it the preferred choice of seed for wheat in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and parts of Rajasthan

Vijay Patel, an experienced farmer from Khargone district, Madhya Pradesh, has been sowing Shriram Super 111 wheat seed for last 4 years. Last year he had sown this variety in 12 acres of his land and obtained an average yield of 25 qtl per acre.

He is extremely elated by the production as according to him the yield is 3-4 qtl/acre more than other prevalent varieties and which translates to an additional profit of approx ₹ 8,000 per acre. He observed that the length of the earis much more in this variety and so is the grain count per spike(75-90 grains per spike). He swears by Shriram Super 111 for higher level of production both in terms of quality and quantity.

Farmers across Madhya Pradesh have experienced similar success using Shriram Super 111 wheat seeds. Another farmer Tirthraj Srivastava from Bhopal has been sowingShriram Super 111 in field for last 5 years. He has tried and tested lot of varieties but has not been able to get the level of production he has obtained after shifting to Shriram Super 111. Last season, he was able to get close to 30qtl/acre yield which was 5-6qtlper acre more than other popular varieties in his area. He is happy tosee the lustrous, bold grains and is very impressed with the preference of Shriram Super 111 wheat in mandis.

As Shriram Super 111 has become the first-choice of wheat seed among farmers in Madhya Pradesh, other varieties developed by Shriram Farm Solutions like Shriram Super 252 and Shriram Super 303 are also equally popular due to their superior performances.


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