The Navi Mumbai police in Maharashtra has registered a criminal case against Airoli MLA and BJP leader Ganesh Naik for allegedly threatening a woman who claimed to be in a live-in relationship with him for several years.
The 47-year-old woman had earlier approached the Maharashtra State Commission for Women with her complaint.
On Friday, a case was registered against Naik, a former minister, under IPC sections 506 (2) (criminal intimidation), 417 (cheating) as well as under the Arms Act at CBD Belapur police station, said senior inspector Anil Patil.
The police are conducting investigation, he added.
The woman claimed in her complaint that she was in a relationship with Naik for 27 years and even had a son from him.
But in the last four years he began to avoid her and when she demanded that he grant her marital rights and give his name to the boy, Naik refused, she alleged.
Sometime in 2021 he even threatened to kill her and himself by showing a revolver, the complaint said.
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