Maharashtra: Government extend lockdown in the state till February 28



Maharashtra government on Friday extended the lockdown with existing restrictions till February 28. Via an order, the government said existing Mission Begin Again guidelines in relation to the coronavirus pandemic will remain in force till the end of February.

“The state government is satisfied that the state of Maharashtra is threatened with the spread of COVID-19 virus, and therefore to take certain emergency measures to prevent and contain the spread of virus, it is expedient to extend the lockdown in the entire state of Maharashtra further till 28h February, 2021,” the order issued by state Chief Secretary Sanjay Kumar, on behalf of the Maharashtra Governor, read.

It further said citing the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and The Disaster Management Act, 2005, that “the guidelines issued vide orders dated 30th September, 2020 and 14th October, 2020 (extended by order dated 29th October, 2020, 27th November, 2020 and 29th December, 2020) to operationalise MISSION BEGIN AGAIN for easing of restrictions and phase-wise opening, will remain in force till 28th February, 2021 for containment of COVID-19 epidemic in the state.


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