Prayagraj: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, during his visit to Prayagraj on Thursday, clarified that Muslims who recognize India’s Sanatan tradition and align with Indian culture are welcome to participate in the 2025 Mahakumbh. His statement came in response to growing debates and controversies surrounding Muslim participation in the world’s largest religious congregation.
Speaking to the media, Yogi Adityanath emphasized, “Any Muslim who acknowledges the Sanatan tradition and feels their identity is connected to Indian culture is welcome here. However, arrangements have been made to address any disruptions by those coming with a wrong mindset.”
This declaration aimed to calm the controversy that had been fueled by demands from the Akhara Parishad, which had earlier suggested that Muslims should be restricted from entering the Kumbh area. The Akhara Parishad’s statements had drawn strong criticism from Muslim clerics, who argued that the Kumbh Mela, as a spiritual event, should remain inclusive of all.
Yogi Adityanath further elaborated, saying, “Muslims who believe that their ancestors may have adopted Islam under pressure but still see themselves as part of the Sanatan tradition, and those who connect their heritage to Indian sages, are free to come and take part in the rituals at the Sangam. These people are an integral part of our culture.”
The Chief Minister’s comments sought to strike a balance between inclusivity for those respecting the Sanatan tradition while also ensuring security measures for the event.
Yogi also took the opportunity to address another contentious issue regarding the Waqf Board. He warned that any attempts to claim land linked to the Mahakumbh would be met with stringent actions. Referring to the Waqf Board, Yogi Adityanath remarked, “It is not a religious institution, but a board of land mafias,” indicating his strong stance against land encroachment.