Lucknow: Although man is born alone in this world, when he grows up it is his responsibility towards society increases. Taking note of his responsibility towards the society at large Nitish Pandey is discharging this responsibility for the poor in the society. Nitish Pandey is a true name developing on his own in the form of Pawan Putra. It is a wonderful thing for any person who is successful in making his identity in the society on the basis of his deeds of social work which makes a person great
It is in this way a person is born alone in the world and departs from this world alone only, but it is his work that remains behind in the society. Hence such a person becomes the hope of the downtrodden. The work of such a person is like the fragrance of flowers in the society for every religion. One has to become the best, encompassing all religions through one’s work in helping the poor. Nitish Pandey as his duty towards the society has taken a vow to help the poor who are in the midst of trouble every now and then.
Nitish Pandey in the role of Pawan Putra has rushed to help the people. He understands the fallacies of the society and does not allow injustice to happen to anyone. He has also kept his Sanskar alive and increased the value of the poor people. Nitish Pandey is well acquainted with human sensibilities and ever ready to help in anyone’s suffering.
It is for this reason that people like Nitish Pandey always consider that it is their duty to help the helpless and the downtrodden as their religion of their life is dedicated to everyone. Such people do not need any introduction; rather, he himself remains the benefactor of the people. Nitish Pandey’s positive thinking has made people convinced of him for the past many years. He is leading his life among the poor. His life has become the life of the poor and the prayers of lakhs people for him are his blessings.