BJP, RSS cadre embarrasses Adv Ujjwal Nikam with posers over his use of official car, government accommodation and personal properties

Adv Naik in his posers wanted the high-profile Public Prosecutor and now BJP candidate to clarify on bulldozing through protocols in getting a D.V car in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Congress spokesperson Sachin Sawant argues that Adv Ujjwal Nikam has no moral right to give credit to the BJP in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack.

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Mumbai: In a major embarrassment for the top bosses of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its official high-profile candidate for the Mumbai North-Central Lok Sabha constituency, Adv Ujjwal Nikam, a Karyakarta of Sanskar Bharti, an affiliate of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and party sympathizer, Adv Ulhas T. Naik has in an Open Letter to Adv Nikam posed seven embarrassing questions.

Adv Naik in his posers wanted the high-profile Public Prosecutor and now BJP candidate to clarify on bulldozing through protocols in getting a D.V car in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. He has further sought clarification on getting the D.V car and free lodging and boarding at New Delhi’s Maharashtra Sadan. Adv Naik has argued that Adv Ujjwal Nikam has demanded Y Plus or Z Plus security just to gain cheap publicity.

The Sanskar Bharti Karyakarta has further sought clarification from Adv Ujjwal Nikam in getting his son Adv Aniket Nikam appointed as panel lawyer to Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and as junior lawyer to the Ministry of Defense in the Adarsh Housing Scam. Adv Naik has further wanted to know as to how come his son Adv Aniket Nikam got to represent in the housing scam and Irrigation scam involving prominent leaders belonging to the then undivided Nationalist Congress Party (NCP).

Here we reproduce the verbatim text of the Open Letter penned by Adv Ulhas T Naik addressed to BJP Lok Sabha candidate Adv Ujjwal Nikam for readers discretion.




Adv. Ujjwal Nikam,

Candidate of BJP 

for Lok Sabha 29 

Mumbai North Central 



On behalf of my humble self (being a Karyakarta of Sanskar Bharati/RSS and Sympathizer of our B.J.P.) and other vigilant members of our legal fraternity, at the outset congratulate you on getting success in lobbying and getting the Ticket to contest as BJP candidate for Lok Sabha 29 Mumbai North central Constituency whereas at the further outset request your good self to kindly reply to some of the critical/pivotal/decisive queries that are being raised in the minds of Bonafede Tax Payer & Justice Loving Citizen VOTERS of our State Of Maharashtra to enable them to make an informed choice at the ballots, before seeking people’s mandate as under;

a) Kindly justify your illegal act of personally visiting Protocol Section of G.A.D., Mantralaya (when outsiders were prohibited from entering Mantralaya) to get letter No.GTS-2019/C.R.165/Desk-31 dated 28.12.2020 issued during the first phase of Covid-19 Pandemic, in a tearing hurry in just few days to provide D.V. Car any time to you Ujjwal Nikam immediately after receiving your message either by email or WhatsApp, (which is specifically mentioned by Satish Jondhale, the then Joint Secretary cum Dy. Chief Protocol Officer in Para (6) of one of the noting prepared and put up on 10.12.2020, to solely facilitate your illegal use of D.V. Car at the expense of Public Exchequer by purposefully creating an illusionary aura so as to project yourself as the only Spl. Public Prosecutor, when your earlier illegal request made to the same Protocol Section (GAD) & L & J D to provide you free lodging in Maharashtra Sadan and D.V. Car at Delhi was out rightly rejected.

b) Kindly explain your illegal act of compelling the Protocol Section (GAD) & L & J D with justifiable reasons to also provide you with free lodging in Maharashtra Sadan and D.V. Car at Delhi, in gross contravention of the Maharashtra State Guest Rules, 2004 which is applicable only to the VVIPs/VIP, Dignitaries and Officials who are treated as “STATE GUESTS” and the VVIPs/VIP, Dignitaries and Officials mentioned in the list marked as Annexure “A” & “B” are the only ones who are eligible for the purpose of reception, transport, boarding and lodging when they visit any place in the State of Maharashtra irrespective of their nature of visits or when their visit is at the invitation of the Government of Maharashtra with the affairs pertaining to this State Government only.

c) Kindly explain your illegal act of compelling the Protocol Section (GAD) to provide D.V. Car to you on receiving your message either by email or WhatsApp, when you have been enjoying unprecedented (sic) “Y-Plus” or “Z” category security with escort vehicle only to remain in lime light to grab public attention and gain Cheap Publicity on tax payers hard earned money everywhere in the name of alleged threat precepts, which now needs to be reviewed and withdrawn at the earliest to save the public exchequer of the Bonafide Tax payer citizens of our Government of Maharashtra.

d) Kindly explain with justifiable reasons (not like concocted story of Biryani) before seeking people’s mandate, as to why the Voters should believe, trust your big bluffs of you both father-son duo being Sincere, Honest Special Public Prosecutors working in the interest of Government, when your own Advocate son Aniket Ujjwal Nikam (despite having been appointed as Lawyer somewhere in October/November, 2010 on the Panel of Lawyers of Pune Municipal Corporation by the elected representatives, after the proposal of his appointment was tabled by Congress leader Ulhas Bagul in the Standing Committee in total disregard to the Civic Chief’s Prerogative for the first time in the history of P.M.C and also having been appointed as junior counsel to represent the Ministry of Defence (MoD) before the commission set up to investigate the Adarsh Housing Society scam in the year 2011 within 2 to 3 years of his launch as lawyer in 2008) had taken up the cases for NCP leader Dhananjay Munde; Suresh Lad; Gulabrao Deokar in Gharkul Housing scam; Pappu Kalani & his gang; Sunil Tatkare in the irrigation scam PIL filed by BJP leaders Kirit Somaiya and then party spokesperson Madhav Bhandari somewhere in the year 2012-13, Narayan Rane in Mumbai High Court in the year 2021; Anil Deshmukh in the extortion case before E.D. High Court in the year 2022; and many more cases which has been raising suspicion in the minds of the legal fraternity and common citizens. 

e) Kindly explain with justifiable reasons (not like concocted story of Biryani) before seeking people’s mandate, as to while tendering your resignation as Special Public Prosecutor, whether you have addressed any letter requesting the Protocol Section (G.A.D.) to withdraw letter No.GTS-2019/C.R.165/Desk-31 dated 28.12.2020 issued during the first phase of Covid-19 Pandemic, in a tearing hurry in just few days to provide D.V. Car any time to you viz. Advocate Ujjwal Nikam immediately after receiving your message either by email or WhatsApp or still continue to enjoy Protocol of providing D.V. Car by the Protocol Department on receiving your message either by email or WhatsApp.

f) Kindly explain with justifiable reasons (not like concocted story of Biryani) before seeking people’s mandate, as to when in one of the interview held somewhere on May 16 2010 you yourself claimed that you come from a wealthy land owning family with 150 acres growing cash crops like wheat and bananas (very much contrary and contradictory to your own Election Affidavit Form 26 (Rule 4A) filed along with Nomination Paper) and that money has never been a consideration and/or driving force for you, then what had compelled your good-self to insist upon the Government to pay you the remuneration of Rs. 9,00,000/- (Rupees Nine Lakhs Only) for about 90 days of hearing in Hon’ble Mumbai High Court and Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) Per appearance besides Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) an hour for discussion and exchange of opinion along with business class air travel for visits related to the case and ministerial suite at Maharashtra Sadan in the Capital as your Professional Fees, while former Solicitor General Advocate Gopal Subramaniam received Re.1 as his Professional fees with actual miscellaneous expenses occurred during the period, as admitted by your good-self to the MID DAY during that period. 

g) Kindly explain your and/or your Spouse’s Source of Income (not like concocted story of Biryani) used for the Purchase of your present Residential Flat No.2902, W-54, Bal Govind Das Road, Near Ruparel College, Mahim, Mumbai – 400016, which is shown (in your own Election Affidavit Form 26 (Rule 4A) filed along with Nomination Paper) as half share owned by your Spouse purchased for total consideration of Rs.5,36,73,530/- (Rupees Five Crores Thirty Six Lakhs Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Only) without taking any loan from any Bank/Financial Institutions/ Any Individual but liability of Rs.5,41,23,530/- (Rupees Five Crores Thirty Six Lakhs Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Only) payable to your son Advocate Aniket Ujjwal Nikam and Rs.18,18,706/- (Rupees Eighteen Lakhs Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred Six Only) payable to your good self and Rs.6,95,08,256/- (Rupees Six Crores Ninety Five Lakhs Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Six Only) paid as Personal Loan/Advance by your good-self to your son Advocate Aniket Ujjwal Nikam, while you have shown your Spouse’s Occupation as HOUSE-WIFE with source(s) of Income as AGRICULTURAL INCOME & SALARY and Dues to Department dealing with Government Transport as NOT APPLICABLE without annexing the NO DUES CERTIFICATE for using D.V. Cars pursuance to issuance of letter No.GTS-2019/C.R.165/Desk-31 dated 28.12.2020 by Protocol Section (GAD) as mentioned in query (a) above.  

I lastly reiterate to make it amply clear that no disparagement of your good self is meant, all that is intended to obtain the true and correct replies in the form of any Publication by your good-self to the above queries being raised in the minds of legal fraternity and common citizen voters of Lok Sabha 29 Mumbai North Central Constituency to enable them to make an informed choice at the ballots during the Polls to be held on 20.05.2024, being their right to information under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution of India. 

With respectful regards, 

Yours sincerely 

(Ulhas T. Naik)



Meanwhile, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) spokesperson Sachin Sawant in a recent statement here has argued that Adv Ujjwal Nikam has no moral right to give any credit to the BJP. He added that despite being allocated government accommodation Adv Nikam had encashed hotel stay bills. Sawant deplored the BJP for using Adv Nikam to garner sympathy votes out of the 26.11 Mumbai terror attacks, especially after the Pulwama terror attack.

Sawant while speaking to media persons here argued that he had evidence to show that Adv Nikam had availed of hotel bills of lakhs of rupees for lodging while pleading the legal case as a government lawyer. He wanted to know how this act fits in any standards of moral behaviour on the part of the acclaimed lawyer. Sawant was accompanied by legislative assembly leader of opposition Vijay Wadettiwar, Adv Asim Sarode, party spokesperson Anand Shukla, Nizamuddin Raeen, Yuvraj Mohite among others.

Sachin Sawant stated that Adv Ujjwal Nikam is now contesting as a BJP candidate from Mumbai North-Central Lok Sabha constituency. He was the public prosecutor in the 26/11 terror attack case. The investigation of this attack, the execution of terrorist Ajmal Kasab, all happened during the Congress. But they are campaigning on this by giving the credit of Ad Nikam to the BJP. Terming it as unfortunate, Sachin Sawant has alleged that Adv Ujjwal Nikam has no moral standing left on the issue.

The 26/11 was a terror attack on the country. When the hearing in the case was about to start in the Supreme Court of India, veterans including senior lawyer Gopal Subrahmaniam showed their readiness to plead the case for free. But the government issued an ordinance and appointed advocate Nikam and fixed his fees, Sachin Sawant said that Nikam has taken lakhs of rupees as fees for the 26/11 case. In which 164 people died and 294 people were injured in the terror attack.

More than 20 police officers and soldiers were martyred. There is no comparison between Gopal Subramaniam who charged nominal Rs 1 as his fees as against Adv Ujjwal Nikam who charged lakhs of rupees as his fees in the case on the other hand. Sawant further added that Adv Nikam racked up around Rs 17 lakh in hotel bills to stay in Mumbai during the period 2011 to 2014 despite the state government providing him a house in Versova area under 2 percent discretionary quota.

On this occasion, Sachin Sawant furnished documentary evidence of the house allocated to Adv Nikam from the government discretionary quota, the ordinance regarding his fees and the bills charged by him. Sachin Sawant also said that Adv Ujjwal Nikam has no right to speak on ethical standards.

Adv Asim Sarode wanted to know as to why Ujjwal Nikam has not taken any stand on issues of national importance. What is the Central Government’s stand on Agriculture or the PML Act?



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