HomePoliticsBJP angry over Bihar Muslim minister entering temple, demands apology from CM

BJP angry over Bihar Muslim minister entering temple, demands apology from CM


BJP on Tuesday charged Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with “deliberate insult” to Hindu sensibilities for taking along a minister from the Muslim community inside an ancient temple where entry of people of other faiths is prohibited.

Kumar had on Monday offered prayers at the famed Vishnupad temple in Gaya where he was accompanied by Mohd Israil Mansuri, a cabinet colleague from his new ally RJD.

Mansuri, a Pasmanda Muslim who holds the Information Technology portfolio, had later told reporters, “I feel blessed to have got the opportunity for a darshan of the temple with the honourable chief minister”.

As per convention, ministers in Bihar are given “prabhaar” (charge) of districts where they also head the respective program coordination committee. Mansuri has been given the charge of Gaya.

However, Bihar BJP president Sanjay Jaiswal reacted furiously.

“We demand a public apology from the chief minister. Can he think of setting his foot inside Mecca? Why must Hindus always adjust their religious sensibilities in the name of tolerance?” he asked.

“If the CM refuses to apologize, he should brace for protests from BJP workers everywhere, including in the state assembly”, said Jaiswal whose party is sore over loss of power in the state.

When pointed out that priests of the temple were reluctant to voice their anguish, the BJP leader said “A common man cannot do much when the chief minister is intent on a deliberate insult to Hindu sensibilities”.

Working president and secretary of the trust managing the temple, Shambhu Lal Vitthal and Gajadhar Lal Pathak respectively, said they were not aware of Mansuri’s entry but it should have been “avoided” since a notice board outside the premises clearly stated that “only those believing in Sanatana Dharma” were allowed.


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