New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has raised an impressive Rs 18.56 lakh within just 24 hours of launching her crowdfunding campaign to contest the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. The campaign, launched on January 12, has drawn widespread support, with 422 donors contributing towards her Rs 40 lakh goal. The rapid response has been hailed by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader, who credits the success to the unwavering faith that voters have in the work done by the party.
Speaking about the overwhelming response, Atishi expressed her gratitude, stating that the contributions reflect the people’s trust in the AAP’s vision for a clean, honest, and transformative political approach. She shared her appreciation on social media, saying, “This huge success is a reflection of people’s unwavering faith in the Aam Aadmi Party’s clean, honest, and transformative politics.”
Atishi, who is seeking re-election from the Kalkaji constituency, faces competition from Ramesh Bidhuri of the BJP and Alka Lamba of the Congress. Despite the challenges, Atishi’s crowdfunding success highlights her strong support base in the constituency.
Today, Atishi will file her nomination papers, marking the formal beginning of her campaign for a second term in office. Before submitting her nomination, Atishi will offer prayers at Kalkaji Temple, seeking the blessings of Goddess Kalka, followed by prayers at Giri Nagar Gurdwara. She will then begin her nomination rally. She shared her plans on social media, stating, “I will go to Kalkaji temple and take blessings of Goddess Kalka. Then after praying at Giri Nagar Gurdwara, I will start the nomination rally.”
The crowdfunding campaign’s success is a testament to Atishi’s growing influence, but it has also attracted political criticism. Telangana Congress MP took a dig at Atishi’s campaign, referring to the alleged liquor policy scam involving the AAP. In a tweet, the MP said, “I can understand Aam Aadmi Party and its present Chief Minister need crowdfunding 100% after the deal with K Kavitha of BRS party and the South Group got busted.”
Despite the political jabs, Atishi remains focused on her campaign and the positive momentum generated through her crowdfunding efforts. As she files her nomination, the coming weeks will be crucial in determining her chances for re-election in the Delhi Assembly elections.