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Trump pulls out OANN video to counter Nancy Pelosi & Democrats ahead of Impeachment trial

Mumbai: The saga of the December 19 impeachment of President of the United States of America (POTUS), Donald J Trump by the Democrat dominated House of Representatives is by no means over. On Friday, President Trump slammed Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the delay strategy in Impeachment proceedings. Tagging a tweet that contained a controversial video from One America News Network (OANN), President Trump tweets “Wow Crazy Nancy, what’s going on? This is big stuff?

President Trump tagged a tweet from “Constitutional Republic TEXT TRUMP 88022”, questioning his bitter Democrat rival and House of Representative Speaker Nancy Pelosi about a six year old video. The OANN video talks about the Ukraine scandal that has dragged former US Vice President Joseph (Joe) Biden and his son Hunter Biden into the scandal, now claims that the video has ensnared Nancy Pelosi and her son Paul Pelosi into the whole scandal and questioned their dealings in Ukraine.

The video talks of a US Energy company VISCOIL and its subsidiary Energy Lab that does business in Ukraine. Two years ago Nancy Pelosi had led a Congressional delegation to Ukraine and talked about clean energy. Her son, Paul who also figures in the same video, talks about VISCOIL and its clean energy initiative and sustainable development. The video adds that Paul Pelosi had been to Ukraine as recently as in 2017 as Executive Director Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI).

The OANN video further reveals that the video in which Paul Pelosi talks about his Youth for Soccer initiative has been mysteriously deleted. However, the deleted video has been retrieved with a caption “what is really going on here?” The video also talks about how Hunter Biden had used his father Joe Biden’s position in his business dealings in Ukraine and China.

Also Read: Donald Trump impeachment: A timeline of events

Ever since the show-down between President Trump and Speaker Nancy Pelosi culminated with the Impeachment earlier this month, the Republicans have been with hammer and tongs after the Democrat’s. The Republicans on twitter have been questioning Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Adam Schiff about their reluctance to release the transcripts from their secret basement hearings that exonerate President Trump and indict the alleged Whistleblower of Perjury.

The Republicans have named the Whistleblower as one “Eric Ciaramella”, accusing him of having committed Perjury by making false statements in his written forms filled with the ICIG and that Adam Schiff is hiding evidence of Ciaramella’s crimes to protect him from a criminal investigation.

The verbal duel on the Social Media between the Republicans and the Democrats has only got shriller. In a tweet the ‘Constitutional Republic TEXT TRUMP 88022 tweets “@oann exposes DemocRATS & their Ukraine ties, Joe & Hunter & Nancy & Paul, seems like it’s a Family Affair”.

The Democrat dominated House of Republicans had on December 19 Impeached President Trump. Democrats have charged President Trump of soliciting foreign interference in his 2020 re-election. They charged Trump of pressurizing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation against former US Vice President Joseph (Joe) Biden and his son Hunter Biden, conditioning $400 million US Dollars to Ukraine as security aid to fight against Russia and a one to one White House meeting on investigations. The Muller Commission had investigated the allegation of Russian interference in the Trump election of 2016.

As per the US constitution the sole power of impeachment rests with the House of Representatives to impeach the official and the Senate the sole court for impeachment trials. It is here that the Republicans are questioning Speaker Pelosi as to why she is not disclosing the transcripts and forwarding the articles of impeachment to the Senate where the Impeachment trials are to commence. The Republicans are in a majority in the Senate (the upper house).

The impeachment trials may last anywhere between two to four months by which time Trump’s presidency will come to an end. During that time, he may stand for re-election if he secures the Republican nomination. Sources, argue that already there is a talk that the Democrats may just have made President Trump a martyr and paved way for his re-election next year, 2020.

Prashant Hamine
Prashant Hamine
News Editor - He has more than 25 years of experience in English journalism. He had worked with DNA, Free Press Journal and Afternoon Dispatch. He covers politics.


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