In a heartbreaking incident, six workers lost their lives after a wall collapsed at a private construction site near Jasalpur village in Kadi taluka of Mehsana district, Gujarat. The tragedy unfolded as several laborers were engaged in digging a pit for an underground tank when loose soil gave way, burying them under the rubble.
The incident occurred near Kadi town, approximately 37 kilometers from the Mehsana district headquarters. According to Inspector Prahaladsinh Vaghela of the Kadi police station, the rescue operations are currently in full swing, with emergency responders working diligently to locate and assist those still trapped beneath the soil.
Ambulances have been stationed on standby to provide immediate medical assistance to any survivors as soon as they are rescued. The police and local authorities are coordinating the efforts, ensuring that every possible resource is utilized to expedite the rescue operations.
This tragic event has sent shockwaves through the local community, highlighting concerns about safety standards at construction sites. Authorities have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the wall collapse, aiming to determine the cause and ensure accountability for this devastating incident.
As families mourn the loss of their loved ones, the community is left grappling with the aftermath of this unfortunate event. The government and local organizations are expected to provide support to the affected families as they navigate this challenging time.
The incident underscores the need for improved safety measures and oversight in the construction industry to prevent such tragic acci