Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Sunday slammed the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh after another case of fake teachers recruitments surfaced in the state, saying that the Yogi Adityanath-led government which talks about intolerance against corruption is tolerating the ‘corrupt activities’ of the racketeers.
Taking to Twitter, Priyanka said, “If many big frauds are happening in the education department then was it not in the eyes of the department and the minister? Did the Chief Minister’s office not even know about it? Surprisingly, those who talk about zero tolerance are tolerating the corruption of big racketeers.”
She also attached a news report which said that after real Anamika Shukla, another such case also surfaced, Priti Yadav, on whose names two other women were doing jobs at different schools in UP.
Priyanka said that it has been critical of the state government on the issue of irregularities in the teachers’ recruitment and fake teachers doing jobs by impersonating as another people.-IANS News