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The Channel 4 Effect: How the Documentary Reignited International Interest in Sri Lanka’s Accountability Crisis

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In a recent interview with Deutsche Welle(DW), Sri Lanka’s President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, found himself thrust into the global spotlight. The interview revolved around a Channel 4 documentary that had been eagerly awaited for some time, shedding light on grave concerns regarding the alleged involvement of Sri Lanka’s former ruling family, the Rajapaksas, in a devastating terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 269 people.

At the heart of this controversy stands former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, a prominent figure in the documentary, who vehemently dismissed it as an “anti-Rajapaksa tirade” riddled with “lies.” The revelations contained within this documentary have reignited the longstanding debate over the imperative need for an international investigation into the events surrounding this tragic incident.

The timing of this documentary release could not be more challenging for the Wickremesinghe government, which is already grappling with questions about its legitimacy. Wickremesinghe’s political party holds a mere single seat in Parliament, relying heavily on the support of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), the party closely affiliated with the Rajapaksas, who rose to power following the Easter Sunday attacks in 2019. At that time, the SLPP accused Wickremesinghe, who was then the prime minister, of failing in his duty to ensure national security. Although the Supreme Court ordered compensation for the victims of the attacks, Wickremesinghe still finds himself perceived as a casualty of the nationalist fervor that swept through the country in the aftermath of the bombings, despite his role in overseeing security.

The fragile alliance that brought Wickremesinghe to power has long been vulnerable to fractures, and the Channel 4 documentary has the potential to further destabilize this delicate balance. Opposition parties in Sri Lanka have been deeply divided, often turning their sights on one another rather than the government. The documentary’s release could exacerbate these divisions within the opposition, as some parties may exploit it to appeal to nationalist sentiments while others call for further investigations into the tragic attacks. Such internal divisions within the opposition may, at least in the short term, provide some respite to the beleaguered government already grappling with multiple challenges.

In the Interview, President Wickremesinghe responded to the allegations with a combative stance, criticizing the interviewer for even broaching the topic. He insisted on the prospect of a parliamentary investigation into the allegations but expressed frustration at the source of these claims, asserting, “You take a piece of paper from the cardinal and you’re holding it over me. Have you spoken to the bishop’s conference? You have no right to ask me this question.” He further accused the interviewer of attempting to corner him.

President Wickremesinghe was resolute in his opposition to the idea of an international investigation, asserting that the Sri Lankan government does not support such a move. He cited reports from intelligence agencies, including those from the United States, India, and Pakistan, which all concluded that there was no external involvement in the Easter Sunday bombings.

However, the Deutsche Welle interviewer raised legitimate concerns about Sri Lanka’s capacity to conduct a comprehensive investigation, pointing to a history of domestic commissions, such as the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission and the Office of Missing Persons, which yielded limited results. In response to these concerns, the Sri Lankan government has proposed the establishment of a new Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The interview also underscored the mounting international pressure on Sri Lanka to address its human rights issues. In the United States, 12 members of Congress have called on the Biden administration to exert pressure on the Sri Lankan government to address ongoing human rights abuses. President Wickremesinghe staunchly rejected the recent United Nations Human Rights Council report, which criticized the lack of progress on accountability in Sri Lanka, further intensifying global concerns about the country’s commitment to accountability and justice.

Despite President Wickremesinghe’s assurances, there is an increasing sense of international skepticism regarding Sri Lanka’s dedication to addressing past atrocities and achieving reconciliation. As Sri Lanka grapples with these multifaceted challenges, its response to international pressure remains a subject of keen interest and concern.

United Nations Human Rights Council Report

The Report by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)  highlights the lack of progress on accountability in Sri Lanka. President Wickremesinghe, however, firmly rejected the report’s findings, further emphasizing the ongoing discord between Sri Lanka and the international community regarding accountability measures.

The DW interview concluded with a question about the mounting international apprehension that Sri Lanka has failed to deliver on accountability and justice. President Wickremesinghe dismissed these concerns, asserting that Sri Lanka continues to work with the international community.

Sri Lanka’s response to allegations of government and military involvement in the Easter Sunday bombings, as well as its stance on international investigations, continues to be a subject of international concern and scrutiny. While the Sri Lankan government maintains its commitment to addressing the matter through domestic channels, doubts persist about the efficacy of these efforts. The UNHRC report and international calls for accountability indicate that the issue is far from resolved, and further developments are expected in the near future. Sri Lanka remains a focal point in the global discourse on human rights and accountability.

Beyond the Easter Sunday bombings and accountability issues, Sri Lanka grapples with a complex set of challenges. These challenges encompass economic struggles, political complexities, and historical grievances. The report issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights highlights these multifaceted issues.

The economic crisis that hit Sri Lanka in 2022 had far-reaching consequences, severely impacting the well-being of its citizens. While some shortages have been alleviated, the economic situation remains precarious, characterized by a heavy debt burden and the need for structural reforms. President Wickremesinghe has initiated reforms and reconciliation efforts, but political delays and challenges persist. Additionally, women’s political representation remains low, and the postponement of local elections has sparked controversy.

In March 2023, the International Monetary Fund approved financial support for Sri Lanka’s economic policies and reforms, underscoring the gravity of the economic crisis. Protests and social unrest have continued, highlighting the urgency of addressing long standing issues.

The economic crisis has led to a significant increase in poverty, with the poverty rate doubling between 2021 and 2022, affecting millions of people. Food insecurity, particularly in urban areas, has soared, forcing many families to purchase cheaper, less nutritious food or even skip meals. The crisis has also had an adverse impact on healthcare and education, leading to rising school dropouts and concerns about children’s well-being. Women, primarily engaged in informal sectors, have borne a disproportionate burden.

Sri Lanka has witnessed several legal and institutional changes, including amendments aimed at restoring the balance of powers between the executive, legislature, and judiciary. However, concerns persist regarding media regulation, anti-corruption laws, and drug rehabilitation legislation. Questions have arisen about the independence of the proposed broadcasting regulatory commission and its potential impact on freedom of expression.

The Island Nation confronts a complex mix of economic, social, and political challenges. While international financial support and structural reforms are essential, it is crucial to ensure that these reforms do not disproportionately burden vulnerable segments of society. Addressing underlying factors such as corruption, centralization of power, lack of transparency, and the legacy of conflict is imperative for long-lasting solutions.

The report by the UNHRC provides a series of recommendations for the Sri Lankan government, the international community, United Nations agencies, and other stakeholders. These recommendations encompass areas such as ensuring economic and social rights during the economic crisis, tackling corruption, promoting transitional justice, enhancing women’s political participation, and strengthening human rights.

The report underscores the importance of addressing these issues while upholding human rights, accountability, and reconciliation. Collective efforts from the Sri Lankan government, the international community, and UN agencies are essential to help the country navigate this critical juncture in its history, moving closer to realizing its human rights commitments and fostering sustainable development for all its citizens.

The upcoming sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council are expected to place a spotlight on the documentary’s revelations, particularly concerning the prevalence of anti-minority sentiment in Sri Lanka. Opposition MPs are planning to use this platform to raise concerns about the nation’s health crisis and government complicity during these trying times. The documentary’s strong emphasis on accountability only adds to the growing international scrutiny faced by the current government.

The Channel 4 documentary has laid bare the deep-seated fault lines that have defined Sri Lanka since 2019. It has exacerbated divisions within the opposition and could potentially unify a government marked by its own internal rifts.

These recent political developments underscore the profound and longstanding issues that the Island nation faces in its quest for accountability and justice for past violations, all within the context of navigating a complex and tumultuous political landscape. As the international community watches closely, the call for transparency, accountability, and meaningful reconciliation remains of paramount importance.

Sahana David Menon
Sahana David Menon
Foreign Correspondent (Sri Lanka) - Sahana David Menon is a multimedia Journalist | Researcher | Story Teller based in South Asia. Sahana is a Foreign Correspondent for TheNews21. She began reporting in 2014 from the post-Srilankan civil war-ethic conflicts and has since worked with Marginalized communities, conflicts and Environmental issues in India, Srilanka, the Bali islands, and the Middle east. Sahana has won the best multimedia report award in 2016 in the Global Press awards


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