Sanjay Raut’s Scathing Attack on PM Modi: Farmers on Protest; Prime Minister on Tour

In Maharashtra, the skies unleash havoc upon the Balirajas with unseasonal hailstorms and cyclones becoming a grim reality. The uncertainty wrought by erratic weather patterns compounds the farmers' woes


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The agrarian heartlands of North India are ablaze with agitation as farmers rise against the policies of the central government. Amidst this unrest, Sanjay Raut, a prominent leader of the Thackeray group and Member of Parliament, has launched scathing criticism against the Modi government, denouncing its handling of the ongoing farmer’s movement.

Under the headline “Farmers on the Wind; Prime Minister on Tour!”, today’s newspapers highlight the stark disparity between the plight of farmers and the prime minister’s engagements. Sanjay Raut, in a scathing foreword, asserts that farmers have lost faith in the government’s commitment to addressing their grievances, accusing the government of neglecting their plight during times of distress.

The match preview paints a grim picture of the challenges facing farmers on the borders of Delhi and in the fields of Maharashtra. Farmers demand fair minimum support prices for their agricultural produce, yet they face harsh crackdowns from law enforcement authorities wielding batons and rubber bullets. Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s Balirajas grapple with hailstorms and the whims of rulers.

Caught in a perplexing maze, farmers find themselves abandoned as the prime minister revels in the allure of international engagements, epitomized by the ‘Ahlan Modi’ euphoria in Abu Dhabi. The juxtaposition of farmer distress and political engagements underscores the urgent need to address the systemic issues plaguing the agricultural sector.

The farmers’ agitation reverberates across Punjab and Haryana, challenging the authoritarian regime in Delhi and drawing ire from those in power. Accusations of dictatorship fly as farmers face a barrage of repression tactics aimed at thwarting their journey to Delhi. Tear gas, baton charges, and rubber bullets punctuate the farmers’ struggle for justice.

In Maharashtra, the skies unleash havoc upon the Balirajas with unseasonal hailstorms and cyclones becoming a grim reality. The uncertainty wrought by erratic weather patterns compounds the farmers’ woes, eroding trust in both nature and government assurances.

As the agrarian crisis deepens, it becomes evident that mere rhetoric and token gestures are insufficient to address the systemic challenges confronting farmers. The need of the hour is decisive action and genuine empathy towards the plight of those who feed the nation. Only through concerted efforts and meaningful reforms can the shackles binding farmers be broken, ushering in an era of prosperity and dignity for those toiling in the fields.

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