Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak on Thursday claimed there is no dearth of platelets and beds for the treatment of 7000 dengue patients in the state.
He also alleged that for political gains, Samajwadi Party has been targeting the state government on issues related to health through social media and creating panic among people.
“There is a panic among people about Dengue due to the media. In Oct last year, there were 17-18 thousand Dengue cases. Presently, till last night there were seven thousand Dengue patients undergoing treatment in the state,” Pathak told reporters while going to attend the state cabinet meeting.
The Samajwadi Party spokespersons are vocal about the spread of dengue in Uttar Pradesh and have been highlighting the lack of arrangements in the state’s government hospitals.
He said that directives have been issued to admit patients if needed, and there is no dearth of platelets and beds in the state for them.
“News about a new fever, more dangerous than dengue, has been doing rounds in the media. I have talked to experts about it and this is misleading. People are having viral fever due to the change in weather,” the Dy CM said.
He also appealed to the public to ensure that there is no waterlogging in areas near them.