New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday commended the Maharashtra government for its efforts to bring about comprehensive development in remote and Maoist-affected areas of the state. His remarks came after 11 Naxalites, who were carrying a bounty of over Rs 1 crore, surrendered to the police in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli district.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), PM Modi wrote, “I laud the Maharashtra Government’s efforts to ensure all-round development in remote and Maoist-affected areas. This will certainly boost ‘Ease of Living’ and pave the way for even more progress. A special congratulations to my sisters and brothers of Gadchiroli and the surrounding areas!”
The surrender of the Naxalites, who had been evading law enforcement for years, is seen as a significant achievement for Maharashtra’s police forces and the government’s ongoing development initiatives in areas once plagued by Maoist insurgency.