Mumbai former Mayor Vishwanath Mahadeshwar has been arrested in connection with Kirit Somiya attack. On Saturday, Somaiya claimed that he was injured in an alleged stone-pelting incident by the Shiv Sena workers in Mumbai.
In a series of tweets, Somaiya said, “Heavy stone-throwing at Khar Police Station by Shiv Sena goondas (goons), my car window glass broken, I am injured, rushing to Bandra police station.”
“I am shocked, in the presence of 50 police persons, on the campus of Khar police station, Shiv Sena’s 100 goondas assault me with stones. Wanted to kill me. What the Police Commissioner is doing? How are so many mafia Sena goondas allowed to gather in the police station?” he said in another tweet.
Meanwhile, a BJP delegation from Maharashtra met Union minister Nityanand Rai today and urged him to form a special investigation team (SIT) to probe an incident of alleged assault on party leader Kirit Somaiya and review his security arrangements.