With the Maharashtra Government restricting inter-city and inter-district travel, the state police has introduced an e-pass system. According to the official Twitter account of Maharashtra Police, people who have to travel for essential or emergency purposes, must apply for an E-pass at https://covid19.mhpolice.in. They must submit the necessary documents and mention the reason for their travel. Those who cannot apply online, can walk in to their nearest police station for assistance.
In a video statement, Mumbai’s Deputy Police Commissioner (Operations) S Chaitanya said, the system will be compulsory for those who wish to travel from Mumbai to any other district. The city police will verify the reason for travel and accordingly issue e-pass. He added that the pass can be stored in a smartphone or people can take a printout to avoid hassles. He clarified that for travel within the city, the recently introduced colour code system will remain in place until further orders.