Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said the defence needs of India have increased and the country is constantly working to enhance its strategic capabilities.
He said economic, political and strategic equations are changing all over the world and major world powers are in a tussle.
“Our defence needs have also increased and constant modernisation of the Armed Forces is the need of the hour. Keeping ourselves ready is our top priority and we are constantly working to enhance our strategic capabilities,” Singh said.
He was speaking after inaugurating the seven-storey Flight Control System (FCS) complex built at Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) by the Defence Research and Development Organisation in a record 45 days.
Singh reiterated the government’s resolve to walk the extra mile to support the Armed Forces, scientists, entrepreneurs, academics, students, farmers and the people at large in their quest for excellence and a happier and prosperous future.
Referring to the technical complex, the Minister said it is a unique project not just in the country but in the entire world and is an embodiment of the new energy of New India.
“This energy is of technology, commitment, institutional collaboration among public sector, private sector and academia and above all of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ as envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he said.
He was confident that the facility will go a long way in bolstering national security.
Noting that the complex will also provide simulator training to the pilots of combat aircraft, he described it as one of its most important components.
The simulators provide an opportunity to learn by making mistakes without the possibility of any kinds of losses, he stated.
Commending DRDO and L&T for developing the hybrid technology, Singh expressed confidence that it will increase the productivity of the construction process, promote optimum utilisation of resources, reduce losses due to wastage and will be helpful in speedy completion of projects.
He also described the hybrid technology as an important milestone for the construction sector and hoped that in the coming times, India will become one of the leading countries in the field of construction technology.