Deep-sea expedition in Indian Ocean to study impact of human activities


Marine scientists and experts plan to carry out a series of oceanic surveys and habitat explorations 1,000 meters deep in waters surrounding Male

New Delhi: The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and its marine creatures are facing a desperate future. The situation is exacerbated by rising pollution levels, over-fishing, deep-sea mining, drilling for oil and gas, and even strategic military tests.

In order to study the impact of climate change and human activities, a team scientist is set to carry out a series of scientific investigations in deep waters of the IOR.

According to a report, scientists who are part of the Nekton, an ocean research group, have joined hands with the governments of the Maldives and Seychelles’ to explore the ‘Midnight Zone’ of the IOR.

“This zone is an area at a depth of about 1,000 meters below the surface where light does not reach but life still thrives. The expedition is expected to begin on 16 March and to last about five weeks,” a senior marine biologist from the Maldives said. He added that the deep-sea explorations are primarily aimed to devise conservation efforts for governments of IOR nations to protect the ocean areas.

Explaining further, the senior scientists said that the ‘Midnight Zone’ is very vital in sustaining marine life population, removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and harboring safe space for several threatened species of sea creatures.

Apart from exploring the deep-sea habitat and climate effects, the team of scientists, researchers, and ocean experts also plan to use mapping technology to detect landforms and trenches in the IOR. According to sources, the team will use 3D image technology in canvassing IOR seabed, deep trenches and seamounts.

“We lack information about deep-sea. The terrain is unexplored and untouched by humans. The plan is to study several aspects of the underwater geography as well as biology,” the scientist added.

A part of the biological exploration is the communication medium of sea creatures at depths at 1,000 meters and below. The scientists are keen to study the acoustic communication used by marine creatures in the IOR.

Acoustic experts like Arnab Das have reported trauma and even deaths of several marine creatures, including whales, porpoises and others, due to intense underwater noises.

“Blasts, seismic booms and even military tests are reported to have caused massive beaching or deaths of marine life in the IOR. An in-depth the study must be conducted to study the consequences of anthropogenic — human-made — noises, including the masking effect,” Das said.

Scientists participating in the expedition will combine their observations with a 2019 deep-sea study of the IOR, and present it in the early 2022.

The Maldives Completes Multinational IOR Survey

Recently, the Maldives, in partnership with the Blue Prosperity Coalition, completed a 26-day scientific expedition to survey coral reef habitats, fish populations, and water quality in the IOR.

The expedition was carried out by a team of scientists from Male, along with marine experts, researches and biologists from eight foreign nations. The expedition witnessed the team processing diverse sampling techniques, including 3D coral imaging, eDNA sampling, fish and invertebrate counts, baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVS), and water sampling.

As part of the expedition, 20 Atolls were surveyed with 978 scientific dives conducted. The team also successfully captured 48 3D images 48 of coral reefs, documented 690 hours of BRUV videos, observed 330 species of fish, including 80 species on the IUCN red-list endangered and threatened species list.

According to a senior government official, the Male government has planned to conduct several further expeditions over the next few years, which will inform and direct the state’s development plans toward the sustainable utilization of the ocean.


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