Dedicated RSS & BJP cadres take to social media to vent their anger at influx of import of leaders


Mumbai: The influx of leaders from other political parties into the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is causing quite a bit of resentment within the party and also in its parent body the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). An early good morning Whatsapp message by one dedicated Sangh cadres from Vidarbha who wished not to be named, was apt to sum up the mood. He said, “you cannot hunt a tiger by taking an aim from the shoulder of a deserter. For that you need a shoulder of a loyalist and the hunter needs to be a true blooded”.

Or this parody on a “breaking news” over BJP governments mega recruitment drive of 72,000 vacancies. The parody calls for applicants who can hoist party flags, pick up mattresses at rallies, raise slogans at the top of their voices among other things. The daily wages of Rs 300 and booze at the end of the days work is all that one would get upon hiring.

With the BJP already looking down the barrel in terms of its poll prospects in the 62 assembly seats of Vidarbha, such kind of acerbic remarks from its own dedicated cadres does not augur well for the party as it hopes to retain power in the state. In 2014, based on the 44 seats it won from Vidarbha, the BJP came within striking distance of forming the government on its own.

While another senior RSS cadre from Akola had put out a message stating that after having weathered so many storms, floods by sticking hard with the party at a time when for many years the party was not in power with unwavering loyalty. However, todays picture is disturbing. Those who have just come out of their egg shells are trying to insult and unnerve the dedicated, loyal cadres. What is regrettable is that some seniors in the party are giving tacit support to the acts. The old Sangh guard argues that it is imperative that such despicable acts need to be curbed soon or else although the future might look bright, it will be matter of time that future will look bleak and gloomy.

Pointing to the proverb of you reap what you sow, the RSS cadre lashed out at the BJP leadership over their belief that the dedicated cadres will not leave the party. The mattresses that these leaders are squatting on have been made out of the hard labour of dedicated party worker. He urged fellow party cadres not to fall prey to shallow speeches made by leaders who indulge in showbiz. “Those who have 100 percent guarantee of losing their election deposits in Gram Panchayat or municipal council ward elections are nurturing dreams of becoming MLA or an MP”, he remarked further.


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