Cinema Hall, Theatre, Auditoriums, Open Spaces & Amusement parks in Maharashtra to open from today; read to know more



Due to easing covid 19 situation, Maharashtra government is trying to bring back the life of citizens to normalcy. As a part of it, Cinema Hall, Theatre, Auditoriums, Open Spaces and Amusement parks in Maharashtra will open from today. As per the Standard Operating Protocol- SOPs all will function at 50 percent of the total capacity, and full vaccination of staff is mandatory. Visitors and audience also have to be either fully vaccinated or will have to show safe status on Arogya Setu App.

Face masks will be compulsory besides thermal screening. Advising staggered timings, the Maharashtra Government has said that the whole premises will have to be thoroughly sanitised after each screening or performance. Besides, food and beverages will not be allowed inside the halls and theatres. According to the SOPs, air-conditioning devices can be operated between 24-30 degree celsius and recirculation to be avoided to the extent possible. It adds that high exhaust fans must be installed in toilets.

Promoting digital transactions, the SOPs recommended use of digital payment systems for booking tickets and purchasing food, etc. It adds that a sufficient number of counters must be opened to avoid crowding.

For theatres, the SOPs recommend regular medical checkup of all artists and crew members. It says only designated people must be allowed to handle curtain and backstage property. Child artists must also use the Aarogya Setu App. It adds that artists must preferably use their own makeup kits or the disposable ones. Makeup artists are advised to use face shields and PPE kits to avoid person to person contact.


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