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The face-off between Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu intensified with the entry of Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Chennai on Saturday night. BJP workers protested and alleged that a “sudden power cut” which happened as soon as Home Minister Amit Shah’s convoy left the airport was planned by the DMK. A video by news agency ANI shows how the lights went off as soon as Amit Shah’s vehicle left the airport.
Tamil Nadu BJP state vice- president Karu Nagarajan questioned the timing of power failure and called it a “security lapse.” He said, “This has to be investigated. How can there be a sudden power failure when our leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah reached Chennai airport?”
Earlier, Tamil Nadu BJP President Annamalai took on CM MK Stalin after the latter had asked Union Home Minister Amit Shah to release a list of initiatives taken by Centre for Tamil Nadu. “I am asking Union Home Minister Amith Shah to release a list of what the Union Government did for Tamil Nadu in the last 9 years,” Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin had said.