Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Wednesday asked the state COVID-19 task force, which was appointed by the MVA government, to continue the work of advising the administration about steps to control the viral spread.
Shinde discussed the prevailing COVID-19 situation with task force chief Dr Sanjay Oak and gave the necessary directives, a statement from the chief minister’s office (CMO) said.
Then chief minister Uddhav Thackeray had set up the task force when the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020 to advise the state government about handling the situation.
Maharashtra on Tuesday reported 3,098 fresh COVID-19 cases and six fatalities that raised the tally to 79,89,909 and the toll to 1,47,949. The state saw a 104 per cent spike in cases in 24 hours. The state currently has an active caseload of 20,820.