Mumbai: Lamenting precarious situations of the Dalit community in Amaravati district, BJP MLA Ram Satpute has drawn attention to Savangi Magrapur village where there is no water for the past month. He questioned Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government for the injustice with the community while they seek votes in name of social reformers Mahatma Phule, Shahu Maharaj and Dr Ambedkar.
“It is painful that the Dalit community-dominated ward in Savangi Magrapur village has no water from the past one month. The helpless citizens have left with only protest. Their water connection was deliberately cut by the village Sarpanch and the women have sat for the protest amid the cold weather. Many have left the village due to the problem and the government is ignoring the issue completely,” Satpute said.
Questioning the government’s apathy, Satpute said “Social justice minister Dhananjay Munde should take cognisance of the issue and immediately give orders for inquiry by forming a committee.”
He even alleged BARTI organisation, meant for not working for the welfare of poor-backwards people. “These institutes are not your fiefdom that they work for the petty interests of the individuals in the government. Mr Munde, please tell us the truth behind it,” he added.
The BJP MLA even said, it has been observed that atrocities increase against backward and Dalit communities when the Maha Vikas Aghadi government is in the power. “I demand that the government should at least take action against Sarpanch and Deputy Sarpanch,” he said.