Eighteen districts in Uttar Pradesh have been put on high alert after reports that people from these districts attended the Tablighi Jamaat, a religious congregation of about 2000 people in Nizamuddin in Delhi from March 13 to 15.
Six of those who attended the meeting died in Telangana after they tested Coronavirus positive.
According to a SP Crime, Ajay Shankar Rai, the police chiefs in these districts have been asked to identify and track those who attended the meeting in Delhi and get their medical screening done. They have been asked to submit the reports by Tuesday evening.
The alert has been sounded in Ghaziabad, Meerut, Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Hapur, Bijnor, Baghpat, Varanasi, Bhadohi, Mathura, Agra, Sitapur, Barabanki, Prayagraj, Bahraich, Gonda and Balrampur.
The state government has obtained a list of those attended the Tablighi Jamaat.
About 250 members who attended the meeting have shown initial symptoms of Corona virus.
‘We are taking this very seriously and are tracking those who attended the meet. We are making all efforts to ensure that there is no spurt on Corona cases because of this,” said a senior police official.-IANS News