By: Satish Mahaldar
Srinagar: Political party representatives & religious leaders cutting across ideologies and faiths should take a clear stance against the incitement to hatred & protect minorities of Kashmir.
Kashmir has been regarded by many as the heaven on earth with its splendid beauty and hospitable population, and the notion is legendary. But the truth is bitter, over the past 31 years Kashmir has become associated with violence and continuing conflict.
The recent targeted killings have scared and shaken the members of the minority community living in Kashmir and it is important that their confidence is restored. It is tragic that the state has failed to safeguard the lives of those people who preferred to stay back despite the terror threat.
Time to handhold minorities in Kashmir
Today minorities of Kashmir are in a vulnerable situation in comparison to other groups in the Kashmiri society, namely the majority population. The aim should be to protect members of the minority community from discrimination, assimilation, prosecution, hostility or violence, as a consequence of their status. Kashmir history has always shown that the protection of minorities is essential to the stability, democratic security and peace.
Pluralist and genuinely democratic society should not only respect the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of each person belonging to Kashmir, but also create appropriate conditions enabling them to express, preserve and develop their identity. The creation of a climate of tolerance and dialogue is necessary to enable cultural diversity to be a source and a factor, not of division, but of enrichment for each society.
Majority population in Kashmir needs to show empathy
Majoritarian population should ensure promotion of, and protect the identity of the minorities, prevent their forced assimilation and the loss of their cultures, religions and languages which is the basis of the richness of Kashmir and part of its heritage. Non-assimilation requires diversity and plural identities to be not only tolerated but protected and respected.
The majoritarian population of Kashmir should ensure respect for distinctive identities while ensuring that any differential treatment towards groups or persons belonging to such groups does not mask discriminatory practices and policies.
Therefore, positive action is required to respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, and to acknowledge that minorities enrich society through this diversity. The protection of minorities is an exercise of tolerance and intercultural dialogue. By encouraging mutual respect and understanding, the different groups that comprise a society should be able to engage and cooperate with one another, while preserving their own identity.
The basic elements required for the realization of this goal are to promote knowledge of minorities’ culture, history, language and religion in an intercultural perspective. In other words, the protection of minorities can promote an inclusive, peaceful and cohesive society, with respect for diversity.
Inter-ethnic tensions, divisions and exclusion that remain unaddressed can easily become a source of instability and conflict. Dealing efficiently with minority-majority relations in the aftermath of ethnic conflict is central to achieving a durable peace. In this regard, the protection of Kashmiri minorities is not only fundamental to enhance social cohesion in diverse societies, but also essential to achieve democratic security, sustainable development and peace in a context of instability.
Kashmiri politicians and Muslim leaders have to rise up for minorities
Political parties and state actors, regardless of political and ideological lines, are bound by the same prohibition against discrimination as the rest of society. Political parties and representatives should engage in respectful and meaningful dialogue and take a clear stance against the incitement to hatred, the political climate will become more conducive to the integration of society.
When it comes to preventing discrimination, assimilation, prosecution, hostility or violence, the Ulema’s / Mirwaiz’s always played an important role in the larger society of Kashmir.
We request all Masjid committees Ulema’s / Mirwaiz’s to kindly put substance in their messages in the context of faith and religious beliefs to prevent Inter-ethnic tensions, discrimination, assimilation, prosecution, hostility or violence against minorities of Kashmir.
We request all the Ulema’s / Mirwaiz’s to kindly incorporate substance messages into their sermon series, newsletters, media, religious education and parenting classes, retreats, camps, and prevent inter-ethnic tensions and discrimination, assimilation efforts, prosecution, hostility or violence against minorities of Kashmir.
We request all the concerned to launch a local campaign to promote faith and community’s commitment to substance abuse prevention. Develop or customise educational materials that put substance abuse and preventive information in the context of their religious beliefs.
I appeal to all brethren — Let us all rise above petty communal bickering and work jointly for the welfare of the masses.
A fervent appeal to the collective consciousness of all those concerned in Kashmir.
About the Author: Satish Mahaldar is the Chairman of the J&K Peace Forum. He can be contacted on Email –